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Define Custom Makefile

2023-03-20 06:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Define Custom Makefile-Based Toolchains Using Target Framework

To build code that you generate from Simulink® models, you can specify a shipped makefile-based toolchain definition – see Toolchain Approach. Using the Target Framework, you can define and register custom makefile-based toolchains. This topic provides toolchain definition examples that you can adapt to build code for your target hardware.

Overview of Makefile-Based Toolchain Definition

To define a toolchain, create a target.Toolchain object. Use the object to:

Associate the toolchain with your target hardware.

Specify the platforms on which the toolchain can run.

Provide system environment setup commands and paths for the operating system.

To specify that the toolchain is makefile-based, attach a target.MakefileBuilder object to the Builder property of the target.Toolchain object. The target.MakefileBuilder object specifies the type of makefile (GNU® Make or NMAKE) that the software generates.

To specify the tools (assembler, compiler, linker, etc) for the toolchain, use target.BuildTool objects. Associate each target.BuildTool object with a predefined target.BuildToolType object that specifies the directives and file types that the target.BuildTool object must define. If you specify the name of the target.BuildToolType when creating target.BuildTool, the software uses default GCC values for directives and file types. If you use a toolchain that is not GCC-based, you must update the prepopulated directives and file-type settings with values for the toolchain.

When you add the target.Toolchain object to the internal database, the software uses specifications in the target.BuildToolType objects to check that:

Directive names are valid and the directives have a specification.

Names for valid file types are associated with file extensions, and the required file extensions are set.

For each target.BuildTool object, you can use the showDirectives and showFileExtensions methods to visualize the build tool configuration.

Define GCC-Based Toolchain for Windows Development Computer

Create a target.Toolchain object and specify the operating system.

mingwtc = target.create('Toolchain', ... 'Name', 'Example MinGW Toolchain', ... 'HostOperatingSystemSupport', target.HostOperatingSystemSupport.WindowsOnly);

Place the binary files folder of the MinGW® toolchain on the system search path.

mingwtc.EnvironmentConfiguration.SystemPaths{end+1} = '$(MW_MINGW64_LOC)/bin';

Associate the toolchain with the target hardware, which is your Windows® development computer.

mingwtc.SupportedHardware = target.create('HardwareComponentSupport', ... 'Component', target.get('Processor', 'Intel-x86-64 (Windows64)'));

Specify that the toolchain is based on a GNU Make makefile.

mingwtc.Builder = target.create('MakefileBuilder', 'GMake');

Specify the assembler.

assembler = target.create('BuildTool', 'Assembler', 'as', ... 'Name', 'GNU Assembler'); mingwtc.Tools(end+1) = assembler;

For the Windows operating system, specify C and C++ compilers that use command files and generate object files with the .obj extension.

cCompiler = target.create('BuildTool', 'C Compiler', 'gcc', ... 'Name', 'MinGW GCC C Compiler'); cCompiler.setDirective('CommandFile', '@'); cCompiler.setFileExtensions('Object', {'.obj'}); mingwtc.Tools(end+1) = cCompiler; cppCompiler = target.create('BuildTool', 'C++ Compiler', 'g++', ... 'Name', 'MinGW GCC C++ Compiler'); cppCompiler.setDirective('CommandFile', '@'); cppCompiler.setFileExtensions('Object', {'.obj'}); mingwtc.Tools(end+1) = cppCompiler;

Through directives and file extension settings, specify C and C++ linkers that:

Support the generation of dynamic link libraries (DLLs)

Group libraries that have circular dependencies

Use command files

Create files for Windows

cLinker = target.create('BuildTool', 'Linker', 'gcc', ... 'Name', 'MinGW Linker', ... 'HostOperatingSystemSupport', target.HostOperatingSystemSupport.WindowsOnly); cLinker.setDirective('Shared', '-shared -Wl,--out-implib,$(notdir $(basename $(PRODUCT))).lib'); cLinker.setDirective('LibraryGroup', '-Wl,--start-group', '-Wl,--end-group'); cLinker.setDirective('CommandFile', '@'); cLinker.setFileExtensions('Object', {'.obj'}); cLinker.setFileExtensions('Executable', {'.exe'}); cLinker.setFileExtensions('Shared Library', {'.dll'}); mingwtc.Tools(end+1) = cLinker; cppLinker = target.create('BuildTool', 'Copy', cLinker, ... 'Name', 'MinGW C++ Linker', ... 'BuildToolType', target.get('BuildToolType', 'C++ Linker'), ... 'Command', target.create('Command', 'g++')); mingwtc.Tools(end+1) = cppLinker;In this example, you create the cppLinker object by creating a copy of cLinker and modifying properties of the copy.

Specify an archiver.

archiver = target.create('BuildTool', 'Archiver', 'ar ruvs', ... 'Name', 'GNU Archiver'); archiver.setFileExtensions('Object', {'.obj'}); mingwtc.Tools(end+1) = archiver;

Specify a make tool.

maketool = target.create('BuildTool', 'Make Tool', 'mingw32-make -j$(NUM_CORES)', ... 'Name', 'MinGW GNU Make', ... 'HostOperatingSystemSupport', target.HostOperatingSystemSupport.WindowsOnly); mingwtc.Tools(end+1) = maketool;The $(NUM_CORES) token is expanded to the number of cores on your system, and enables parallel processing of the make command.

Specify basic system tools like echo, del, and move, which the makefile uses to display, delete, and move files. The predefined target.Toolset object contains the tool definitions.

basictools = target.get('Toolset', 'Windows system tools for Makefiles'); mingwtc.Tools(end+1) = basictools;

Specify standard dependencies:

C math and Winsock libraries to link with the compiled generated code

Compiler flags that are always passed to the C and C++ compilers

mingwtc.BuildRequirements.SharedLibraries{end+1} = 'm'; mingwtc.BuildRequirements.SharedLibraries{end+1} = 'ws2_32'; mingwtc.BuildRequirements.CompilerFlags{end+1} = '-fwrapv'; mingwtc.BuildRequirements.CompilerFlags{end+1} = '-fPIC'; mingwtc.BuildRequirements.LinkerFlags{end+1} = '-static'; mingwtc.BuildRequirements.LinkerFlags{end+1} = '-m64';

Add the toolchain definition to the internal database.


To use the custom toolchain definition for building generated code, in the Configuration Parameters dialog box:

On the Hardware Implementation pane, select your target device by setting Device vendor to Intel and Device type to x86-64 (Windows64).

On the Code Generation pane, from the Toolchain list, select Example MinGW Toolchain.

Click OK.

When you run, for example, the slbuild function or a software-in-the-loop (SIL) simulation, the build process uses the custom toolchain to build generated code.

If you want to remove the custom toolchain definition from the internal database, run:

customToolChainDef = target.get('Toolchain', 'Example MinGW Toolchain'); target.remove(customToolChainDef);Define Microsoft Visual Studio Toolchain for Building 32-Bit Application

Create a toolchain object and specify the operating system.

msvctc = target.create('Toolchain', ... 'Name', '32-bit Visual Studio Toolchain', ... 'HostOperatingSystemSupport', target.HostOperatingSystemSupport.WindowsOnly);

Create a command that runs vcvarsall.bat, which is required to set up environment variables for Microsoft® Visual C++®. This command assumes that Microsoft Visual Studio® 2019 is installed on your development computer. If another version is installed, provide the full path to vcvarsall.bat.

msvctc.EnvironmentConfiguration.SetupCommand = target.create('Command', ... '$(MSVC160_INSTALL_DIR)\VC\Auxiliary\Build\VCVARSALL.BAT x86');

Associate the toolchain with the target hardware, which is your Windows development computer.

msvctc.SupportedHardware = target.create('HardwareComponentSupport', ... 'Component', target.get('Processor', 'Intel-x86-32 (Windows32)'));

Specify that the toolchain is based on an NMAKE makefile.

msvctc.Builder = target.create('MakefileBuilder', 'NMake');

Using target.BuildTool objects, specify C and C++ compilers:

Update default GCC directives with Microsoft Visual C++ values.

Use command files and generate object files with the .obj extension.

Specify additional command-line flags that only apply to the C++ compiler.

cCompiler = target.create('BuildTool', 'C Compiler', 'cl', ... 'Name', 'Microsoft Visual C Compiler', ... 'HostOperatingSystemSupport', target.HostOperatingSystemSupport.WindowsOnly); cCompiler.setDirective('OutputFlag', '-Fo'); cCompiler.setDirective('Debug', '-Zi'); cCompiler.setDirective('EnableOptimization', '/O2 /Oy-'); cCompiler.setDirective('DisableOptimization', '/Od /Oy-'); cCompiler.setDirective('CommandFile', '@'); cCompiler.setFileExtensions('Object', {'.obj'}); msvctc.Tools(end+1) = cCompiler; cppCompiler = target.create('BuildTool', 'C++ Compiler', 'cl -EHs /wd4251 /Zc:__cplusplus', ... 'Name', 'Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler', ... 'HostOperatingSystemSupport', target.HostOperatingSystemSupport.WindowsOnly); cppCompiler.setDirective('OutputFlag', '-Fo'); cppCompiler.setDirective('Debug', '-Zi'); cppCompiler.setDirective('EnableOptimization', '/O2 /Oy-'); cppCompiler.setDirective('DisableOptimization', '/Od /Oy-'); cppCompiler.setDirective('CommandFile', '@'); cppCompiler.setFileExtensions('Object', {'.obj'}); msvctc.Tools(end+1) = cppCompiler;

Through directives and file extension settings, specify C and C++ linkers.

cLinker = target.create('BuildTool', 'Linker', 'link', ... 'Name', 'Microsoft Visual C Linker', ... 'HostOperatingSystemSupport', target.HostOperatingSystemSupport.WindowsOnly); cLinker.setDirective('Library', '-L'); cLinker.setDirective('LibrarySearchPath', '/LIBPATH'); cLinker.setDirective('OutputFlag', '-out:'); cLinker.setDirective('Debug', '/DEBUG'); cLinker.setDirective('Shared', '-dll'); % Allow shared library cLinker.setDirective('DefFile', '-def:'); cLinker.setDirective('CommandFile', '@'); cLinker.setFileExtensions('Object', {'.obj'}); cLinker.setFileExtensions('Executable', {'.exe'}); cLinker.setFileExtensions('Shared Library', {'.dll'}); msvctc.Tools(end+1) = cLinker; cppLinker = target.create('BuildTool', 'C++ Linker', 'link', ... 'Name', 'Microsoft Visual C++ Linker', ... 'HostOperatingSystemSupport', target.HostOperatingSystemSupport.WindowsOnly); cppLinker.setDirective('Library', '-L'); cppLinker.setDirective('LibrarySearchPath', '/LIBPATH'); cppLinker.setDirective('OutputFlag', '-out:'); cppLinker.setDirective('Debug', '/DEBUG /DEBUGTYPE:cv'); cppLinker.setDirective('Shared', '-dll'); % Allow shared library cppLinker.setDirective('DefFile', '-def:'); cppLinker.setDirective('CommandFile', '@'); cppLinker.setFileExtensions('Object', {'.obj'}); cppLinker.setFileExtensions('Executable', {'.exe'}); cppLinker.setFileExtensions('Shared Library', {'.dll'}); msvctc.Tools(end+1) = cppLinker;

Specify an archiver.

archiver = target.create('BuildTool', 'Archiver', 'lib /nologo', ... 'Name', 'Microsoft Visual C/C++ Archiver'); archiver.setDirective('OutputFlag', '-out:'); archiver.setFileExtensions('Object', {'.obj'}); archiver.setFileExtensions('Static Library', {'.lib'}); msvctc.Tools(end+1) = archiver;

Specify a make tool.

maketool = target.create('BuildTool', 'Make Tool', 'nmake', ... 'Name', 'Microsoft NMake', ... 'HostOperatingSystemSupport', target.HostOperatingSystemSupport.WindowsOnly); msvctc.Tools(end+1) = maketool;

Specify basic system tools like echo, del, and move, which the makefile uses to display, delete, and move files. The predefined target.Toolset object contains the tool definitions.

basictools = target.get('Toolset', 'Windows system tools for Makefiles'); msvctc.Tools(end+1) = basictools;

Specify standard dependencies:

Libraries to link with the compiled generated code

Preprocessor directives that must be set

Compiler flags that are always passed to the C and C++ compilers

Linker flags

msvctc.BuildRequirements.SharedLibraries{end+1} = 'kernel32.lib'; msvctc.BuildRequirements.SharedLibraries{end+1} = 'ws2_32.lib'; msvctc.BuildRequirements.SharedLibraries{end+1} = 'mswsock.lib'; msvctc.BuildRequirements.SharedLibraries{end+1} = 'advapi32.lib'; msvctc.BuildRequirements.Defines{end+1} = '_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS'; msvctc.BuildRequirements.Defines{end+1} = 'WIN32'; msvctc.BuildRequirements.Defines{end+1} = '_MT'; msvctc.BuildRequirements.CompilerFlags{end+1} = '-nologo'; msvctc.BuildRequirements.CompilerFlags{end+1} = '-GS'; msvctc.BuildRequirements.CompilerFlags{end+1} = '-W4'; msvctc.BuildRequirements.CompilerFlags{end+1} = '-MT'; msvctc.BuildRequirements.LinkerFlags{end+1} = '/INCREMENTAL:NO'; msvctc.BuildRequirements.LinkerFlags{end+1} = '/NOLOGO';

Add the toolchain definition to the internal database.


To use the custom toolchain definition for building generated code, in the Configuration Parameters dialog box:

On the Hardware Implementation pane, select your target device by setting Device vendor to Intel and Device type to x86-32 (Windows32).

On the Code Generation pane, from the Toolchain list, select 32-bit Visual Studio Toolchain.

Click OK.

When you run, for example, the slbuild function or a software-in-the-loop (SIL) simulation, the build process uses the custom toolchain to build generated code.

If you want to remove the custom toolchain definition from the internal database, run:

customToolChainDef = target.get('Toolchain', '32-bit Visual Studio Toolchain'); target.remove(customToolChainDef); See Also

target.create | target.Toolchain | target.MakefileBuilder | target.BuildTool

Related TopicsApproaches for Building Code Generated from Simulink Models






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